Why We’re Built Different™

Ready® Sports Drink is scientifically formulated using the perfect blend of super fruits for energy and three dominant electrolytes for hydration. Plant nutrients from the super fruits, along with B vitamins drive nonstop high performance, without any “added sugars” found in other sports drinks.
When you’re Built Different and want to set a New Standard, Drink Ready®.
We Don’t Add Sugar. We Use Super Fruits, Real Food Carbs, B Vitamins and Three Dominant Electrolytes for Complete Hydration.
Real Food Carb Source
Our proprietary Super Fruit Blend provides a natural combination of sugars (or simple carbohydrates) the body can easily absorb and deliver to muscles quickly to power and sustain muscle contraction during exercise. Super fruits contain Polyphenols, which are potent plant based anti-inflammatory and antioxidant nutrients that reduce inflammation and byproducts produced during exercise that are present in fatigue. Polyphenols may also have a role in promoting increased blood flow to the exercising muscle.
No Added Sugars
Just because a product is marketed as “All Natural” doesn’t necessarily mean that is healthy or beneficial to consume. White or Cane sugars are “natural” but are processed sugars that are added to many sports drinks. Ready®Sports Drink contains no added sugars, whereas most commercial sport drinks contain 48 grams or more per 28 oz. serving of “Added Sugars”. Ready®Sports Drink’s fruit sugars are healthier and deliver a higher nutritive value than refined added sugars like cane, dextrose and high fructose corn syrup.
Dominant Electrolyte Blend
Ready® electrolyte mix was developed to proportionally replace electrolytes lost in sweat focusing on Sodium and Chloride in higher amounts, with slightly less Potassium to promote optimal hydration. Sodium and Chloride are the 2 minerals lost in greatest concentration in sweat, followed by Potassium to a lesser extent. It is important to replace electrolytes in the amounts they are lost in sweat to help maintain physiological balance (homeostasis), preventing muscle cramping and improving hydration.
B Vitamins for Energy
The Super Fruit Blend along with B vitamins boost nutrient delivery to the muscle as well as energy production in the muscle, for sustained high performance. B vitamins help release energy from carbohydrate and fats in the diet so the muscle can use it for energy. B vitamins are also needed for the production of red blood cells, which are essential for transporting oxygen and nutrients to the exercising muscle.
Real Food Carb Source
Our proprietary Super Fruit Blend provides a natural combination of sugars (or simple carbohydrates) the body can easily absorb and deliver to muscles quickly to power and sustain muscle contraction during exercise. Super fruits contain Polyphenols, which are potent plant based anti-inflammatory and antioxidant nutrients that reduce inflammation and byproducts produced during exercise that are present in fatigue. Polyphenols may also have a role in promoting increased blood flow to the exercising muscle.
No Added Sugars
Just because a product is marketed as “All Natural” doesn’t necessarily mean that is healthy or beneficial to consume. White or Cane sugars are “natural” but are processed sugars that are added to many sports drinks. Ready®Sports Drink contains no added sugars, whereas most commercial sport drinks contain 48 grams or more per 28 oz. serving of “Added Sugars”. Ready®Sports Drink’s fruit sugars are healthier and deliver a higher nutritive value than refined added sugars like cane, dextrose and high fructose corn syrup.
Dominant Electrolyte Blend
Ready® electrolyte mix was developed to proportionally replace electrolytes lost in sweat focusing on Sodium and Chloride in higher amounts, with slightly less Potassium to promote optimal hydration. Sodium and Chloride are the 2 minerals lost in greatest concentration in sweat, followed by Potassium to a lesser extent. It is important to replace electrolytes in the amounts they are lost in sweat to help maintain physiological balance (homeostasis), preventing muscle cramping and improving hydration.
B Vitamins for Energy
The Super Fruit Blend along with B vitamins boost nutrient delivery to the muscle as well as energy production in the muscle, for sustained high performance. B vitamins help release energy from carbohydrate and fats in the diet so the muscle can use it for energy. B vitamins are also needed for the production of red blood cells, which are essential for transporting oxygen and nutrients to the exercising muscle.